Data Migration

The increasing explosion of data growth means that companies have enormous amounts of information stored on Centralised Data Storage systems often in multiple formats. Companies are increasingly looking for help and support to migrate their data on to newer and more manageable platforms.

LifecycleStor (LCS) have become the support partner and migration experts of choice, capable of delivering seamless NAS to NAS, SAN to SAN, as well as Content Addressable Storage (CAS) to NAS.

Moving and migrating data between different vendor platforms can be a major challenge, as well as a possible administrative headache, particularly where the storage format can be proprietary and the data seemingly locked in. LifecycleStor undertake data migrations between multiple platforms using unique tools specifically built for this purpose. We also provided detailed Data Assessments using in-house developed tools. This allows us to identify and analyse the information to ensure that only the data that is to be kept is migrated, cutting down on data migration costs and timescales.

Using our methodology along with our Certified experienced technical expertise we enable our clients to re-platform their data on to newer more open and more cost effective Storage solutions at a fraction of the time and cost of owning the migration task in-house. We have vast experience of delivering migrations projects across all verticals, we know and understand the challenges clients face in delivering migrations internally and have the skills and tools to hugely simplify these challenges.